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Programs in Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences

The Department of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences maintains a strong foundation in both geology and geography with an ever-increasing dedication to earth systems. We offer graduate degrees (Doctorate and Masters level) focused towards both geology and geography, and a series of undergraduate degrees and specializations in geology, geography, and earth systems.  The department also offers a One year Professional Masters Program in Applied Hydrogeology and a One Year Accelerated Masters in GIST.

The department offers three undergraduate majors that are similar to, but do not directly correspond with, the above research themes: Geology, Geography, and Earth Systems. Our goal is to provide rigorous training in the evolving fields of geology and geography, while providing a third (and broader) option for students who want to focus on integrating disciplines and processes within the context of Earth system science. In addition, we have recently joined the multi-departmental Environmental Science program in CNS and provide a leadership role in teaching and mentoring students in this multidisciplinary major.